Medical Research

The Carol and Gene Ludwig Family Foundation invests in research talent poised to make the next major discoveries in neuroscience related to neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease.

We aim to build a multidisciplinary network of highly creative, skilled researchers dedicated to advancing the mechanistic understanding of neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease, ultimately accelerating treatment development. To achieve this, we provide project-based research funding and establish institutional partnerships with select universities. Additionally, we occasionally support exceptional investigators working outside neurodegenerative disease in areas of urgent scientific need.

To date, we have awarded over $48 million in medical research funding, including major grants to 20 different institutions.

Why are we focused on Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative diseases?

Nearly seven million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s — a number expected to almost triple by 2050 as the population ages. The societal cost of Alzheimer’s and other dementias is immense, with U.S. estimates reaching  $360 billion in 2024 and projected to approach $1 trillion by 2050.1

Recent high-profile clinical trial failures in Alzheimer’s disease, coupled with insights from genetic studies into previously unstudied mechanisms, have highlighted how little is actually understood about the fundamental causes of Alzheimer’s and related neurodegenerative disorders.

Technological advances in disease modeling, data science, genomics, and biomarker development have paved the way to investigate the underlying mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease as never before.

The combination of a changing biomedical research landscape, formation of novel consortiums, and emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration/team science give talented researchers the leverage to uncover novel insights and new therapeutic directions for neurodegenerative disorders.

How do we achieve our goals?

We invest in research talent poised to make the next major discoveries in neuroscience related to neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease.  Our goal is to provide targeted funding to a select, multidisciplinary group of researchers with the aim of advancing and/or discovering mechanistic insights into neurodegeneration, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, that can impact future treatment development.

We provide seed funding to individual researchers to accelerate high-risk, high-reward research projects and participate in larger grantmaking initiatives aimed at encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and high-impact research findings.

Select Grant Recipients

Carol and Gene Ludwig Initiative in Neuroimmunology Research at Washington University, St. Louis

This new initiative, administered by the Brain Immunology & Glia (BIG) Center at Washington University School of Medicine, invests in core activities of the Center, supports a new BIG Center seed grant program, and funds three lead projects conducted by David Holtzman; MD, Jonathan (Jony) Kipnis, PhD; and Marco Colonna, MD.  These projects make up some of the most exciting and promising avenues of research in the areas of neurodegeneration and neuroimmunology.

Carol and Gene Ludwig Center for Research on Neurodegeneration

A transformational gift from the Carol and Gene Ludwig Family Foundation established The Carol and Gene Ludwig Center for Research on Neurodegeneration at Columbia University’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons (VP&S). The Center supports research to better understand the underlying biological and genetic mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders and to discover innovative and more effective, targeted treatments for these diseases.

The gift will help create state-of-the-art laboratories for the Center and Ludwig Investigators in the new Vagelos Innovation Laboratories research building at Columbia. A cornerstone of the Center are pilot awards designed to advance and accelerate innovative new research projects, with seed funding for especially promising areas of investigation. The gift also will help Columbia recruit and retain top scientists working on neurodegeneration and funds an annual symposium for the exchange and stimulation of ideas and results among the most prominent researchers in the field.

Carol and Gene Ludwig Program for the Study of Neuroimmune Interactions in Dementia, Yale University

In 2024, Yale University Medical School started the Carol and Gene Ludwig Program for the Study of Neuroimmune Interactions in Dementia to advance innovative research, facilitate the sharing of ideas, data and knowledge towards biomedical understanding and therapeutics focused on combatting Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.  The Program includes recruitment of a new faculty member, monthly seminars and a seed grant program.

The Ludwig Program is led by co-directors Stephen Strittmatter, MD, PhD, Vincent Coates Professor of Neurology and chair and professor of neuroscience; director of the Kavli Institute for Neuroscience; director of Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration & Repair; director of the Memory Disorders Clinic; and director of the Yale Alzheimer's Disease Research Center; and Lauren Sansing, MD, professor of neurology and of immunobiology, and vice chair in the Department of Neurology for Academic and Faculty Affairs.

Shane Liddelow, PhD, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Associate Professor, Institute of Translational Neuroscience

The primary focus of the Liddelow lab is on understanding the complex roles of astrocytes in the brain. Astrocytes are a type of glial cell that play crucial roles in maintaining brain homeostasis, supporting neuron function, and responding to injury. The lab is particularly centered on a subtype of reactive astrocytes they discovered, which release toxic factors capable of killing specific neurons. "Support from the Gene and Carol Ludwig Family Foundation supports our work into understanding the mechanisms that enable recovery of these reactive astrocytes back to a neuron supporting physiologically normal state. Targeting astrocytes in diseases like Alzheimer's is an untapped opportunity to help millions of patients worldwide."

Claire Clelland, MD PhD, University of California, San FranciscoAssistant Professor, Department of Neurology

The Clelland lab at the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences develops novel therapies for neurodegenerative diseases. Her current work centers on creating novel CRISPR gene therapies for genetic forms of neurodegenerative diseases such as frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD) and amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)."CGLFF is advancing our gene therapy for Alzheimer's disease and bold, novel CNS delivery strategies and platforms.”

Ludwig Neurodegenerative Disease Seed Grants Program

The Foundation provided a grant to Harvard Medical School (HMS) to establish the Ludwig Neurodegenerative Disease Seed Grants Program to advance early-stage research toward treatment approaches. The Program was born of the many challenges that scientists have encountered in developing therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s disease. The program strives to identify projects grounded in basic biology that have solid potential for translational impact.

In this 4-year program, 2-3 grant recipients are selected each year through a competitive review process. The goal of this program is to leverage the in-depth basic neuroscience expertise at Harvard to investigate and validate novel mechanisms that could be key underlying drivers of neurodegeneration and in particular, Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to advancing research on neurodegenerative diseases, the program also aims to create a stronger research community around neurodegeneration at HMS. Awardees will share their findings at symposia, journal clubs, and other gatherings open to the broader HMS community.

Steve Ramirez, PhD, Boston UniversityAssistant Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Department of Biomedical Engineering

The mission of the Ramirez lab is twofold: to reveal the neural circuit mechanisms of memory storage and retrieval, and to artificially modulate memories to combat maladaptive states. The lab will do so in a multi-disciplinary fashion by combining virus engineering strategies, immunohistochemistry and physiology, optogenetics and functional imaging of targeted populations in vivo, and a battery of behavioral assays.

“Funding from the LFF has helped us embark on the kinds of high-risk high-reward projects in the lab that otherwise would have been impossible! The LFF has directly contributed to the growth and development of several lab members, including graduate students and post-docs, all who have made exceptional progress in delineating the neural mechanisms of learning and memory, as well as restoring health back to the diseased brain.”

Andrew Xiao, PhD, Yale School of MedicineAssociate Professor, Department of Genetics 

Dr. Xiao’s laboratory focuses on epigenetic regulation in pluripotent stem cells, including embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). His laboratory has made significant contributions to the understanding of the maintenance of pluripotency, as well as the recent discovery of novel epigenetic mechanisms, i.e., N6-methyl-adenine, in mammalian genomes.

“We greatly appreciate the support from the Carol and Gene Ludwig Family Foundation for Carol’s extraordinary vision and perspective in science.  Their support is essential for the success of my lab and instrumental for our endeavor to discover hidden components in the human genome.”

David Ho, MD, Columbia University Director, Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center; Professor of Medicine and Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Ho’s laboratory has been engaged in HIV research since the beginning of the AIDS pandemic, initially focusing on clinical virology and select topics in HIV pathogenesis. In 2020, since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the laboratory has begun investigating potential treatments and vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection.

Philip De Jager, MD PhD, Columbia UniversityWeil-Granat Professor of Neurology

The goal of Dr. De Jager's work as a clinician-scientist is to apply modern methods of neuroimmunology, statistical genetics, and systems biology to the understanding of common neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. He is working to harness the immune system to ensure healthy brain aging. Thanks to the Carol and Gene Ludwig Family Foundation, he is developing tools with which to map the trajectory of immune aging in each individual; this will yield a personalized approach to assessing the state of each individual’s immune system and the likelihood of continued brain health with advancing age.

Megan King, PhD, Yale School of MedicineAssociate Professor of Cell Biology and of Molecular, Cellular and Development Biology; Co-Leader, Radiobiology and Radiotherapy, Yale Cancer Center

The King laboratory is interested in the fundamental mechanisms that control nuclear mechanics, dynamics, and quality control. Major efforts in the lab include: Developing a quantitative model for the mechanical response of the nucleus, investigating how nuclear compartments and local chromatin state influence genome integrity mechanisms, defining how the genome is organized over time in single cells, and defining contexts in which direct mechanotransduction of force through the LINC complex regulates cell function and homeostasis.

Bruce Yankner, MD PhD, Harvard Medical School Professor of Genetics and Neurology

The overall goal of Dr. Yankner’s research is to achieve a greater understanding of the molecular basis of brain aging and how normal aging transitions to pathological aging, giving rise to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

“Continued support from the Ludwig Family Foundation has led to novel therapeutic approaches that are focused on the preservation of cognitive function during aging. This multi-disciplinary effort would be difficult to sustain through traditional grant funding mechanisms.  As such, the Ludwig Family Foundation plays an important role in pushing the boundaries of neurodegenerative disease research at Harvard.”

Li Huei Tsai, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDirector, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT; Picower Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Co-Director, The Alana Down Syndrome Center; Founding Director, The Aging Brain Initiative; Senior Associate Member, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Dr. Tsai’s laboratory works to understand the pathogenic mechanisms underlying neurological disorders that impact learning and memory. They take multidisciplinary, network-level approaches to decipher the molecular, cellular, and circuit basis of such neurodegenerative disorders. Major accomplishments include discovering that Cdk5 mis-regulation has a causal role in AD pathology, that pharmaceutical inhibition of HDAC2’s can restore memory and, that 40 hertz brain oscillations directly influence molecular and cellular Alzheimer’s pathologies and can be enhanced non-invasively through sensory stimulation. Several targeted Tsai lab approaches are nearing or in clinical trials, some showing early efficacy in persevering brain volume, neural connectivity and, cognitive and daily functioning in early Alzheimer’s patients.
